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Lorraine Triska posted a condolence
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
We wish to send our condolences to the many loved ones of Aunt Anne , I am sorry that we just received this information today as I am unable to get into my e-mail account that I normally use . I pray that the many beautiful moments that you have all made with Auntie anne be of great comfort to you now , it is very difficult losing someone you hold so dear . Joseph, along with myself and family send our love and pray that our Father in heaven be your strength and comfort at this time . Auntie lived an amazing , long life which I am grateful for , God is good indeed . Be Blessed by him , love him as your Saviour personally and one day , perhaps not too far away, we will all be reunited with both of our dear aunts which have passed into the next life . God be with you all and message us anytime , our families need to keep in touch . Love , Joseph , Lorraine , Adam , Kaitlyn and Brandon Triska .
Kevin Hladunewich posted a condolence
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
Gord & Patty, Mackenzie, Julian & Victoria
Christine, Myron and the Pawluk Family...
Our Deepest Sympathy in Mom's/Baba's Passing
Thoughts and Prayers are with you during this difficult time
May Her Memory Be Eternal
Vichnaya Pamyat
Kevin, Tracy, Anna, Kaden & Spencer Hladunewich
Eleanor Cowan posted a condolence
Saturday, January 3, 2015
Gordon and Family
My condolences on the loss of your grandmother. May all your happy memories carry you through this sad time.
rose and david mckill and family posted a condolence
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Very sorry for your loss of your mother,grandmother,great grandmother.Auntie Anne was an inspiration to me in my life. She would take me with her on her country visits,when she was a public health nurse. Those are wonderful memories for me, as It inspired me to become a nurse myself.loved her cheery laugh and her zest for life. I am sure she is happy in heaven today,and happily reunited with her family that predeceased her. Hugs to all of you We are on vancouver Island now, on a long planned vacation,so were unable to attend auntie's service.sincere sympathy from Dave and Rose
Mary Lou posted a condolence
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
My thoughts are with you all during this difficult time. Auntie Anne was so precious to me and to our family and I have such fond memories of her sense of humour, gentleness and kindness. With much love, Mary Lou
Dan Kaluzny posted a condolence
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
The condolence message is as follows:
"We , are sorry for your loss. May God bless you and help you in your moment of grief.
We sadly send our condolences.
Dan Kaluzny, Marcy & Peter Zonta, Christine Fawcette, and Paul Kauluzny."
The family of Anne Goshko (nee Triska) uploaded a photo
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

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